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$351.00 Chaque

Type : WEW35CCZ0C

Disponible sur commande

Technical Details




 H   Total height  35  mm
 H1 4  mm
 N  25.5  mm
 W  Block width 120  mm
 B 107  mm
 B1  6.5  mm
 C 60  mm
 L1  77.6  mm
 L  Block length 102.6  mm
 K1 13.35  mm
 K2 5.25  mm
 G  12  mm
 M M8
 T 11.2  mm
 T1 14  mm
 H2 8  mm
 H3 6.5  mm
 Mass  1.26  kg


Load ratings and torques

 Cdyn  Dynamic load rating  29.800  N
 C0  Static load rating  49.400  N
 M0X  Static moment  1.480  Nm
 M0Y  Static moment  670  Nm
 M0Z  Static moment  670  Nm

Load ratings

Static load rating C0

If a linear guideway system is subjected to excessive loads or impacts during movement or at a standstill, localised permanent deformation occurs between the track and balls. As soon as this permanent deformation exceeds a certain level, it affects smooth operation of the guideway. According to its basic definition, the static load rating corresponds to a static load that causes permanent deformation of 0.0001 × ball diameter at the contact point that is loaded the most. The values are given in the tables for each linear guideway system. Using these tables, the designer can select a suitable linear guideway system. The maximum static load to which a linear guideway system is subjected must not exceed the static load rating.



Permissible static moment M0

The permissible static moment is the moment which, in a defined direction and size, corresponds to the maximum possible load on the moving parts by the basic static load rating. The permissible static moment is defined for linear motion systems for three directions: MX, MY and MZ.





HICOAT CTS is a thin layer chrome coating that offers good corrosion protection and a very high wear protection. The high wear protection results from the extraordinary hardness of the coating. The CTS coating is free of Cr(VI) and suitable for use in food stuffs. It is available for the HG, EG, CG and WE series. Further information can be found in the catalogue “Linear Guideways” under chapter “HIWIN coatings for linear guideways”.

 Product  Category  Size Document
 Linear guideways  Project planning sheet  0.17 MB  Télécharger
 Linear guideways  Assembly Instructions  5 MB  Télécharger
 Linear guideways  Catalogue  7 MB  Télécharger
 Step File    Télécharger
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